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Aspects of Life

1. 1. 2021Minut čtení: 4
Political Inovator in Civic and Public Services
Summary of activities to improve the usability of public services and political activities for citizens. CYBER-CITIZENS Movement...

16. 9. 2016Minut čtení: 2
Translator and Author for Think-tank Gatestone Institute
Summary of cooperation for Think-tank Gatestone Institute since 2015. In order to enrich the public and constructively-rational...

1. 4. 2016Minut čtení: 2
Volunteer in Israel Defence Forces
Summary of activities during membership in program SAR-EL IDF in March and September 2016. I became more interested in Israel in 2013...

7. 3. 2015Minut čtení: 2
Puppetry Impresario: Popularization of Czech Historical Educational Enlightened Artistic Efforts
Poetic dreaming and popularizing of (gesamtkunstwerk) czech puppetry and the legacy of Bohumil Schweigstill's enlightened artistic...

3. 2. 2015Minut čtení: 1
Summary of travell activities since 1984 and top 15 destinations. I visited 29 counties on 3 continents and by this travell map I gain...

12. 6. 2012Minut čtení: 1
Interviewed Debater
Summary of interviews and discussions since 2012. 1) The Representative of the Right Shocked: Mrs. Parkan and Mr. Kalousek Indebted Us...

1. 2. 2011Minut čtení: 3
Free Citizens Party Regional Chairman and Candidate Lists Leader
Summary of activities during membership in the Free Citizens Party in the years 2011-2015. I was a member of Free Citizens' Party since...

1. 9. 2005Minut čtení: 18
Liberty and Rationality Defender
A summary of 100 quotes and citations from 2011-2021. - When evaluating the political-economic status, keep in mind whether there is a...

1. 9. 2005Minut čtení: 17
Obránce svobody a racionality
Shrnutí 100 citací a citátů z let 2011-2021. - Při hodnocení politicko-ekonomického stavu mít stále na očích, zdali nedochází k úpadku do...

28. 7. 2005Minut čtení: 4
"De Oppresso Liber" Follower
Summary of activities and protests "to liberate the oppressed". CzechTek (2005) On July 29, 2005, teknival CzechTek 2005 took place. In...

1. 9. 2004Minut čtení: 3
Railway Infrastructure Expert
Summary of work experience. Summary of my work experience are at links: CV; Scientific Papers; LinkedIN; Researchgate; Slideshare. After...

1. 2. 1994Minut čtení: 3
Smalltown Moravian
Moravian country life. Moravia, which is eastern part of Czech republic, is best known for The Venus of Dolní Věstonice, which is nude...

30. 4. 1991Minut čtení: 6
Enjoyer of Games, Sports, Music, Movies and (Audio)Books
Entertainment. Contestant in TV-Show AZ-KVIZ (still popular czech show from 1997 which has similar format like american Blockbusters...

2. 11. 1979Minut čtení: 1
Family Member
Family and personal life. Brno-Židenice in 1981 and 1983 Very first self-eating and very first thinking - 1982 Christmas - 1983 and 1993...
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