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Translator and Author for Think-tank Gatestone Institute

Obrázek autora: Josef ZborilJosef Zboril

Aktualizováno: 17. 7. 2022

Summary of cooperation for Think-tank Gatestone Institute since 2015.

Illustration photo: Reading Book "We, Europe and the World" - June 2013

In order to enrich the public and constructively-rational discussion about freedoms threatened not only by Islamization, I translated over 40 of its articles from English into Czech from February 2015 to October 2019. In August 2016, this activity resulted to the initiation and subsequent establishment of the official Czech version of the website. As later guarantor and coordinator of Czech translations, I have created a team of 20 volunteer (samizdat) translators and we have achieved more than 450 translations in a given period.

The Gatestone Institute also published my original articles:

And also published my original translations of articles by Czech authors, who agreed with the translation and publication:

I greatly appreciate the cooperation with the think tank Gatestone Institute. Both because its former chairman switched to US National Security Advisor in April 2018, and because we are in favor of: Institutions of Democracy and the Rule of Law, Human Rights, A free and strong economy, A military capable of ensuring peace at home and in the free world, Energy independence, Ensuring the public stay informed of threats to our individual liberty, sovereignty and free speech.

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