Family and personal life.

Brno-Židenice in 1981 and 1983
Very first self-eating and very first thinking - 1982
Christmas - 1983 and 1993

Grandmothers birthsday - 1995
Charles Bridge in Prague and High Tatras Mountains with parents - 1996 and 2001
Cottage in Bílovice-Lutotín and Kostelec na Hané Garden - 1997
Sausage Dog Monty - 1986 - 1998

Home Improvement in 2003

Graduation and Father's Birthday in 2004
25th Birthday Celebration in Kostelec na Hané - July 2005

Family Celebration in U Pramene Pub in Kostelec na Hané - April 2008

Family Celebration in Kitchen - August 2010

My Aunt and Uncle's Golden Wedding in Brno - June 2014