Moravian country life.
Moravia, which is eastern part of Czech republic, is best known for The Venus of Dolní Věstonice, which is nude female figure dated to 29,000–25,000 BCE and is the oldest known ceramic article in the world. Belong famous people born in Moravia are also psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, entrepreneur Tomas Bata, industrialist Oskar Schindler (known from movie Schindler's List) or from these days businesswoman Ivana Trump.
Belong famous people born in my home region Haná, which is in the centre of Moravia, is also father of modern education John Amos Comenius - who was even asked to be a president of Harvard College in 1642 but he did not accept the offer. Belong famous people born in my home town Prostejov are also inventor of contact lenses Otto Wichterle or phenomenology philosopher Edmund Huserl, whose philosophy ultimately led to the work of Vaclav Havel The Power of the Powerless, which is one of my favourite texts.
Prostejov Technical High School - September 1994 - June 1998
As a technician, I appreciated the fact that in Moravia, besides standard top-class workplaces such as the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant, there is also a special pumped-storage Dlouhé stráně Hydro Power Plant or a unique technological complex and national industrial heritage Lower Vitkovice in Ostrava. Therefore, I decided, among technical universities, for study in Ostrava in the field of energetics. During my studies I also attended nuclear engineering course and worked with training research reactor VR-1 at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering in Prague. The later Prime Minister (2006 - 2009) and Chairman of the European Council (2009) Mirek Topolánek was one of the lecturers and a member of the examination commission of my final exams. I also studied the pedagogical minimum with an internship of 18 hours at the Technical High school Prostejov in 2003, which followed my teaching of IT course at the primary school in Kostelec na Hane in 1996-1997.
Technical University of Ostrava - September 1998 - June 2004
We breeded many animals at home like sheep, pigs, pigeons, rabbits, snails, hans and we had a dog also - so I am a big lover of all animals and I was in 2015 - 2019 a donor for the Voříšek shelter in Čechy pod Kosířem.
ZOO Olomouc - April 2005
One of my favourite websites is D-FENS and I had the opportunity to participate in a discussion with him.
Discussion with D-FENS (Ing. Petr Jaroš) in Kromeriz - March 2013
Since 2014 I started to be a blood donor.
Blood Donor in Hospital Prostejov - April 2014
One of well known world-wide czech projects in these days is Liberland and I had the opportunity to organize and participate in a discussion with its founder.
Discussion with later "President of Liberland" Vit Jedlicka in RCO Olomouc - November 2014
Prostejov is known as the "Jerusalem of Haná", because of its one-time large Jewish community and thanks to their great education of Talmudic research, so I am glad that I joined volunteer program SAR-EL in Israel Defence Forces in 2016 and I had opportunity to compare these cities. Prostejov is also known as czech fashion city and is also hometown of Israeli fashion designer Lola Beer Ebner.
Program SAR-EL in Israel Defence Forces in March and September in 2016
I like cycling and visiting restaurants, teahouses and coffee houses with friends or workmates.
CanAll coffee in Prostejov - September 2017
I was a member of the Election Commission twice to fulfill this "citizen duty and celebration of democracy".
Member of the Election Commission - October 2017 and January 2018
Since January 2019 I have been a member of the volunteer Fire Department Drzovice City and in March 2020 we were called, among other things, to check closed communities in the Uničov region for COVID19 and coronavirus pandemic.
Member of Fire Department Drzovice City - January 2019